
The aim of the study is to educate the adults with diabetes mellitus on low carbohydrate diet and to evaluate the impact of home based education on lifestyle changes. With single blindered randomized controlled trial and self structured interview questionnaire the data was collected among 400 (200 study +200 control) diabetic subjects in Maraimalai Nagar and 9 villages around Kancheepuram district. After the baseline screening the study group subjects were educated with low caloric diet menu plan according to BMI, and a booklet on all aspects of managing diabetes mellitus was also issued to them. Nutritional counseling was given every 15 days for 3 months. The post test revealed an absolute reduction in history of smoking (p<0.001), history of drinking (P<0.001) and history of eating out side food (p<0.03) compared to control group. Eating rice for breakfast was reduced and eating chapatti was increased among the intervention group with (p<0.001). Overall the finding of the study concludes there are significant changes on life style practice after individual video teaching and dietary counseling among the intervention group. The study suggested that nutritional counseling and healthy life style factors must be taught by all health care professionals to increase awareness and to control diabetes mellitus among Indian population.

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