
Biomedical waste is defined as the waste segregated from the healthcare system that can be contagious, infective and hazardous. If this type of harmful waste is not managed properly it can lead to various health hazards. Thus, the housekeeping staff that are responsible for maintaining cleanliness in hospital and discarding waste should have keen knowledge about Biomedical waste and its handling. Objective- 1. To assess the pre-test knowledge and practice of housekeeping staff regarding biomedical waste management. 2. To assess the post-test knowledge and practice of housekeeping staff regarding biomedical waste management. 3. To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding biomedical waste management among housekeeping staff. 4. To find out the correlation between knowledge and practice regarding biomedical waste management among housekeeping staff 5. To find out the association between the pre-test level of knowledge and practice score of housekeeping staff with their selected demographic variable. Methodology- A quantitative research approach with pre-experimental research design was used to assess pre test and post test knowledge and practice of housekeeping staff regarding biomedical waste management. A total of 70 samples were taken by using convenience sampling technique. Self structured questionnaire and practice checklist was used to assess knowledge and practice of housekeeping staff. Results- The findings of our study shows that the mean score and standard deviation of pre test knowledge is 6.91±2.37 and post test knowledge is 13.87±1.96 whereas of pre test practice is 3.90±1.78 and post test practice is 8.46±1.00. The t value of knowledge was 21.87 and of practice was 19.37 which is more than tabulated t value 2.00. p<0.05 which shows that there is significant difference in knowledge and practice after the structured teaching programme among the housekeeping staff regarding biomedical waste management.. Conclusion-The findings indicates significant improvement in level of knowledge and practice regarding biomedical waste management among housekeeping staff of Govt. Doon Medical College Hospital, Dehradun.

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