
Breast self-examination enables a women or girls to detect changes in her breasts. The examination should be done each month soon after the menstrual period ends as normal physiological changes that they confuse results occur in the premenstrual period. This method of self-examination is useful in the early detection of breast cancer.This study made use of an evaluative approach with one group pretest and post-test design. The sample for the study sample comprised of 60 adolescent girls. A disproportionate purposive sampling technique was used to select 60 adolescent girls. The tool and STP were validated by 7 experts. Pre testing and reliability of the tool was established prior to pilot study. Pilot study was conducted among ten adolescent girls. this gave basis for the invigilator to conduct the actual study .the actual study was conducted among 60 adolescent girls .following the pretest, STP Was administered and post test was conducted seven days after the administration of STP. The obtained data was analyzed in terms of the objectives and hypothesis using descriptive.The mean pretest knowledge score was 12.50 ± 3.26, while in the posttest it was 23.20 ± 2.49. The difference was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05), showing a higher mean knowledge score in the posttest. Thus, the intervention was very helpful in improving the mean posttest knowledge score. The mean pretest attitude score was 52.78 ± 8.35, while in the posttest it was 67.78 ± 4.36. The difference was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05), showing a higher mean attitude score in the posttest.The finding of the present study were analyzed and discussed with the finding of the similar studies confirmed that STP was effective in attitude regarding breast self- examination among adolescent girls.

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