
Introduction: Stem cells have tremendous promise to helping us to understand and treat a range of various diseases, injuries and other health related conditions. Their potential is evident in the use of cord blood stem cells to treat diseases of the blood, A cord blood stem cells therapy has saved the lives of thousands of children with leukemia and can be seen in the use of stem cells for tissue grafts to treat diseases or injury to the bone, skin and surface of the eye. Materials and Methods: This pre-experimental study was conducted on eligible couples with sample size of age between 15-45 years, willingness to participate in study in selected areas of Ahmedabad. The investigator adopted purposive technique to select sample. Data was collected using 4 demographic variables & 20 questionnaires regarding stem cells, its uses, diseases treated by stem cells & stem cell banking were included. A pre-test was conducted on 40 samples after which the planned teaching programme was implemented followed by the post test. Result: Data gathered was analyzed and interpreted using both experimental and inferential statistics. The mean and SD of pre-test was 5.725 and 1.3957, whereas the mean and SD of post- test was 16.25 and 1.1036, the calculated t value was greater than tabulated t value. Hence the null hypothesis was rejected and the research hypothesis was accepted. The result shows that when planned teaching program was given to eligible couples age group people, they achieve the best scores. Conclusion: This Study intends to assess the effectiveness on plan teaching program regarding stem cells among eligible couple in selected areas of Ahmedabad. This Study reveals that the post-test knowledge score is higher than the pre-test knowledge score regarding stem cells storage, stem cells banking among the eligible couple.

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