
The purpose of this research was to examine patients' periodontal health before, during, and after treatment using a fixed orthodontic device. Forty normal teenagers with full sets of permanent teeth and a clinical need for fixed orthodontics participated. Individuals were chosen from the Class I population who would benefit from utilizing traditional orthodontic braces and techniques that did not need extractions. Respondents were sent to the periodontist for required checkups after the placement of a fixed orthodontic device at 3-, 6-, 12-, and 24-month intervals, respectively, till the conclusion of orthodontic treatment. After having a fixed orthodontic device put in place, patients had a rise in the average values of the Plaque Index and Sulcus Bleeding Index at each checkup. Keeping an eye on the progression three months, six months, a year, and two years after the initiation of orthodontic treatment reveals a statistically significant difference in the presence of gingival hyperplasia. Patients' periodontal health before, during, and after fixed orthodontic treatment shows the need for close collaboration between the orthodontist and the periodontist.

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