
The present study was taken with the objective to study the socio-economic profile of the subjects, assess the anthropometric measurements of the pre-school children aged (3-6 yrs.), assess the clinical symptoms of the subjects, mother’s knowledge pre and post- test regarding vitamin A with questionnaire. A total 50 mothers aged 25- 35 years were randomly selected from the two different rural areas (Uncha gaon and Machariya village) of the Moradabad city. Subjects were interviewed for obtaining general information, frequency table, anthropometric data, clinical symptoms, and mother’s knowledge test with questionnaire. Mostly 32% mothers were housewife, 18% mothers were service women. Majority of the subjects 30% were illiterate and 32% mothers were eight class or intermediates but knowledge level is less about vitamin. After pre-test council were given to mothers then there is increment in knowledge level was seen regarding to vitamin A.

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