
Participation of workers in management is a key component of industrial democracy. Workers’ participation in management is founded on the Human Relations approach to management, which introduced a new set of values to both labour and management. Workers’ participation in management entails their mental and emotional involvement in the enterprise’s administration. It is viewed as a method that allows workers to participate in decision-making. Participation refers to the mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group setting that encourages him or her to contribute to the group’s goals and share responsibility for profit. It is also known as labour participation or employee participation in the management. Also known as staff participation or employee participation in management. The International Labour Organization has been urging member states to promote a participatory management system. It provides scope for the employees in decision making of the organization and includes the willingness to share the responsibility of the organization by the workers. This study helps to understand the relationship between workers & management at Aavin, Trichirappalli District Co-operative milk producers, Union ltd.

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