
The ancient pandemics like situations partake brought out trendy open the shortcomings of administration to guard the health and safety of their employees especially in the healthcare sectors. Because of this many of the healthcare organizations nowadays have started giving a lot of attention to work safety of their employees. The health and safety management norms have been set up for the same to avoid as such major disasters. In the healthcare industry, a culture of safety and the performance of safety protocol is followed keeping in mind the employee or workers safety. But even then due to the “people” element, unsafe behaviours leading to accidents. Therefore this research intends to study the work safety of healthcare employees in healthcare sector. An empirical study was undertaken where the employees of a multispecialty hospital were asked to respond to questionnaire to collect their perception towards the employees work safety and all the procedures that are being performed regarding work safety of any employee in the organisation. The results revealed that though organisations are doing a lot for employee safety but still some major concerns remain. This research would be very helpful in promoting the work safety culture.

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