
Change is happening all around the world with the appearance of Innovation in each field. Each sector adds to a social change and social upset. The Indian women, who were generally tracked down in four walls of the house somewhat recently, are redirected now and effectively partake in the innovation unrest. It has turned into a typical phenomenon that larger part of the female experts, particularly the information workers, are working harder and longer ever previously. As an outcome, they find it hard to accomplish work life balance. Education sector is a definitive mental work where the development and trade of thoughts are continually preparing in individuals' brain; the job offers a huge measure of adaptability, other than giving teachers and going to a periodic gathering. Scholastic whether male or female need to deliver their administrations for explicit timeframe as in conventional all day jobs. On this surface this has all the earmarks of being ideal job for accomplishing work/life balance. There is parcel of contentions about the work life balance. It is normal discernment that it is truly challenging to make a balance among expert and individual life. Keeping up with Work life Balance is quite possibly of the most difficult issue that employees face these days. Female employees especially, deal with this issue generally contrasted with their male partners inferable from the unremitting family demands and expanding liabilities both at home and at the workplace. Education sector has for quite a while now been an extraordinary wellspring of employment with the female employees taking up the lead in this sector. There are many female employees working as educators in schools, both public and private. Be that as it may, without having legitimate work life balance it becomes hard for a female employee to approach her work over the long haul ultimately making her carry on with a life loaded with pressure, expanded truancy, low efficiency and in the worst situation imaginable, leave jobs. Hence, the author has chosen this particular study to given an outline on the work-life balance (WLB) of women employees in Indian Education Sector. Keywords: Personal-Professional Life, Stress, Increasing Responsibilities, Challenging Issues, Work Environment, Family Commitment, Overcome Strategies and WLB.

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