
We examine two topic modeling approaches as feature space reduction techniques for text classification and compare their performance with two standard feature selection techniques, namely Information Gain (IG) and and Document Frequency (DF). Feature selection techniques are commonly applied in order to avoid the well-known “curse of dimensionality” in machine learning. Regarding text classification, traditional techniques achieve this by selecting words from the training vocabulary. In contrast, topic models compute topics as multinomial distributions over words and reduce each document to a distribution over such topics. Corresponding topic-to-document distributions may act as input data to train a document classifier. Our comparison includes two topic modeling approaches – Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Topic Grouper. Our results are based on classification accuracy and suggest that topic modeling is far superior to IG and DF at a very low number of reduced features. However, if the number of reduced features is still large, IG becomes competitive and the cost of computing topic models is considerable. We conclude by giving basic recommendations on when to consider which type of method.

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