
1. The neutral red technique was employed to study the rate of filtration in Katelysia opima. 2. The weight specific water filtration was found to be greater for younger clams compared to the older ones. 3. The rate of water filtration increased with decreasing salinity. 4. Water filtration was found to increase as temperature increased, reaching a maximum at 35°C. but then sharply decreasing at 39°C. 5. Light had no significant effect on the rate of filtration. 6. Suspended matter was found to affect the rate of water filtration. 7. The rate of filtration was low at high pH and high in low pH. 8. The rate of water filtration was found to be faster during high tide than during low tide. 9. The presence of the parasitic crab, Pennotheris sp., in the mantle cavity of clams had a marked effect on the particle filtration. 10. Accidental cut of the siphon tips had no effect on the rate of filtration.

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