
In the Joseon Dynasty, printing technology made great progress. Korean literati and officials were keen on writing books, and their written works were compiled and printed by themselves or their disciples and descendants. The Korean Literary Collections in Classical Chinese (한국 문집 총간), compiled by the Institute of Classical Translation of Korea, is a collection of anthologies written by many writers of the Joseon Dynasty. In the middle and late Period of Korea, a large number of Korean literary anthologies began to emerge, in which there are a large number of variant characters worth studying. In particular, these different characters can show the characteristics of foreign spread and local change of Chinese characters in the Joseon Dynasty. In this paper, the representative anthology Hakbongjip is selected as the research object. After determining the definition of heteromorphic characters in this paper as “characters with identical and interchangeable meanings that can all be used in the same word”, Select the “遡”, “飜”, “摠”, “脣”, “椀”, “覩”, “筭”, “鰌”, “ ”, “窻”, “?”, “?”, “㗳”, “疎”, “?” a total of 15 words.According to Wang Ning

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