
In the range of the study, the statement has been concluded like below; To overcome monotonous compositions of modern architecture, the earth s characteristic and locality were pursued by Tadao Ando and Kengo Kuma. They established the target to recovered relationships with the earth, as a result, Ando procedures the landscape s regeneration and Kuma does Anti-object within each philosophies. For regeneration of the Landscapes Ando utilizes nature as representation of the earth s memory, and Su-ki, Japanese De-tour, and Yu-gen, the methods of the Japanese traditional architect, are applied in the modern architect s product: the concrete structrue. Whereas Kuma demonstrates Anti-object by using of micro depiction of particles, which make the most of Japanese s unique means, typically, Mokosi and Japanese De-tour. Moreover, in spacial configuration, Tadao Ando let people experience the change in nature, on the other hand, Kengo Kuma mainly show dynamic properties through Mokosi within the boundary of shape configuration. These properties express the transformable figure in terms of space and shape. It is presumed that those elements are as the muzokan s context-permenant vitality-which is endorsed by the means of the flexibility. Meanwhile, Ando accepted concrete as the external equipments to be a part of landscape, however, Kengo pursued the product system of architecture which includes not only the landscape but also materials from the region or an artisan s technique. In a manner, therefore, it is concluded that Japanestic placeness is more inherented in Kengo Kuma s architect than in Tadao Ando s.

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