
The educational process and result of onboard training should be evaluated according to the 1995 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for seafarers(STCW), 1978. In particular, the revised Convention requires that a trainees seagoing service must be recorded in each cadet’s Training Record Book approved by the maritime administration responsible for the issuance of certificates of competency. Trainees for certification under regulation Ⅲ/1 of the STCW Convention are required to complete an approved on-board training programme. The purpose of this paper is to understand the compliance of the education for an approved on-board training programme. The questionnaire was distributed among 110 cadets being trained on board the training ship of the maritime college of the Mokpo National Maritime University. In this study, we conducted the questionnaire survey which is related to the on-board training programme such as marine engineering; controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board; electrical, electronic and control engineering; etc. The survey revealed that onboard training program was normally satisfactory, however, lack of practical training tools and time have accounted for most of the reasons for dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is our goal to enhance the satisfactory value of onboard training education by analyzing the reason of the dissatisfaction.

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