
국제연합은 2001년 문화다양성의 보호와 증진을 위한 세계다양성선언 을 채택하였다. 2002년부터 매년 5월 21을 문화다양성의 날로 기념한다. 아울러, 2005년문화다양성 보호와 증진에 관한 협약(The Protection of Cultural Contents and Artistic Expressions) 이 채택됐다. 이와 같이 국제사회에서 문화다양성 보호·증진을 위한 규범이 마련된 가운데 우리나라에서도 문화다양성협약 의 국내적 수용필요성에 따라 문화다양성의 보호와 증진에 관한 법률 이 제정되기에 이르렀다. 그러나 2017년 문화다양성의 보호와 증진에 관한 협약 상 위원국으로까지 선출된 우리나라에서 입법적 노력의 결과로 문화다양성 보호·증진을 위한 법제도적 장치를 마련되었음에도 불구하고 국내에서의 문화산업 분야에서 다양성 보호·증진이 충실 하게 이루어지지 않고 있다. 무엇보다 헌법상 기본원리인 문화국가원리 등이 실현되고 문화적인 삶의 질이 향상될 수 있는 헌법국가 실질적으로 구현되고 국가문화발전은 물론 인류문화발전에 기여하기 위해서는 다채로운 문화가 지속적으로 보존·유지되도록 문화다양성이 보호·증 진되어야함이 필수불가결하다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 국제사회의 중요한 가치로 주목받는 동시에 우리나라에서도 그 중요성이 점증되면서 문화다양성의 보호·증진에 관한 법률 등의 법적 장치까지 마련된 상황에서 문화다양성 보호·증진이 충분하게 실현될 수 있도록 합리적인 법 제도개선방안을 살펴보고자 한다.The United Nations adopted the Global Diversity Declaration in 2001 to protect and promote cultural diversity. Since 2002, May 21 is celebrated annually as a cultural diversity day. In 2005, the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Diversity was adopted as the new international rule. In this way, the norms for the protection and promotion of cultural diversity have been established in the international society. In Korea, the Act on Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity has been enacted in accordance with the necessity of domestic acceptance of Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Diversity . The protection and promotion of cultural diversity means not only securing various cultures in the cultural field, but also raising the quality of the people s life including the national growth through maintaining and securing diversity in the cultural field, social integration based on cultural diversity, A new creation of culture, and so on. At the same time, in order to realize the constitutional state in which the principle of cultural state can be realized, it is necessary to improve the legal aspect so that the diversity of culture can be stably protected and promoted. However, despite the fact that the legislative efforts to protect and promote cultural diversity as a result of legislative efforts have been made in Korea, which was elected as a member of Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Diversity in 2017, protection and enhancement are not fulfilled faithfully. Above all, in order to realize the Constitutional State, which can be practically implemented as the fundamental principle and the principle of cultural state, such as the constitutional principle, it is necessary to protect and promote cultural diversity so that a rich and diverse culture is continuously protected and promoted. And the cultural diversity of the domestic culture has been damaged or even extinguished due to the concentration, commercialization, and subordination of various cultural diversities of various cultures by cultural industries in specific regions or specific countries. Therefore, in order to protect and promote the cultural diversity, the Basic Act on the Promotion of Cultural Industry or the Law on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity for the protection and promotion of cultural diversity Legislative improvements and amendments should be made to include directions and basic principles. In addition, in order to improve the legal system for the protection and enhancement of diversity in the cultural field, there is ample social change such as concentrated cultural industry realization, industrialized cultural industry realization, subordinated cultural industry realization Cultural diversity laws and institutions. In this study, the important value of the international society is being noticed. At the same time, in Korea, the importance of cultural diversity protection and promotion has been increased. I believe that legal system should be improved for the protection and promotion of cultural diversity.

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