
This article aims to identify and analyze the value of entrepreneurship training as a tool for training entrepreneurs to open micro and small enterprises, training and for good business performance, including among young people. Historically, the training of the entrepreneur is taken as an instrument of teaching and learning, but its effectiveness is not proven due to the lack of monitoring in the labor market of those who undergo this type of learning. In view of this, the present study took as a study object the monitoring carried out in 2011 and 2012 of the participants of the Technological Enterprise - EMPRETEC - 2010, promoted by the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Businesses - SEBRAE, in the city of Macapa, of Amapa, whose data are contained in the publication Impact of EMPRETEC Training on Macapaenses and are presented in a systematic way in this article. The study deals with themes such as entrepreneurship and human development, from which the scientific discussions were extracted to contextualize the problem studied, as a theoretical basis of training effectiveness. Aiming at the formation of the entrepreneurial personality, the authors' studies were used as references: David McClelland, Dornelas, Cannon-Bowers and Salas. The methodology used is to compare the performance of training participants, before and after the training. The result showed that the number of public companies and their formalization more than doubled in relation to the number of companies before the training.

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