
Moral education is the internal requirement of the teaching reform in colleges and universities. The core is to tap the ideological and political education resources of different disciplines and professional courses, and establish an organic, unied, full-disciplinary, all-round and full-function ideological and political education curriculum system; and judging from the inherent requirements of curriculum construction, curriculum is a carrier of ideological and political education, with a distinct education function and value orientation. English majors come into contact with western culture more in the learning process, and are susceptible to the inuence of Western culture and ideas. As the core curriculum of English majors, English writing mostly focuses on the teaching of English writing skills, and lacks guidance on students' thought. This article starts from the three aspects of writing theme selection, class discussion and writing evaluation. It explores and practices moral education for English majors in English writing course, and reects on the implementation of moral education teaching in major courses for English majors in order to make students better educated morally.

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