
This study investigates the complex interaction between technology and human emotions, to provide insights into how technological improvements affect numerous aspects of emotional experiences in today's society. The study investigates the complexity of this connection using a mixed-methods approach that includes quantitative surveys as well as qualitative interviews, providing light on both the positive and negative aspects. Quantitative analysis indicated a disturbing pattern, demonstrating a negative relationship between high levels of technology use and participants' self-reported emotional well-being. Excessive screen time was linked to increased tension, anxiety, and feelings of social isolation, emphasizing the negative consequences of technology-induced social separation. Qualitative interviews revealed further levels of this phenomenon, as individuals recounted personal stories of loneliness and emotional alienation caused by an overreliance on technology, particularly social media platforms. Interpersonal relationships suffered dramatically, with disagreements and misunderstandings resulting from digital diversions and emotional distance infiltrating real-life ties. Furthermore, participants reported experiencing technostress and digital exhaustion as a result of modern technology's constant connectedness and information overload. Despite these bad experiences, some individuals reported positive emotional results such as enjoyment, connection, and productivity, highlighting the complexities of the link between technology and human emotions. Based on these findings, numerous recommendations are made to encourage healthier technology use and emotional well-being. These include educational campaigns to promote awareness about digital well-being, advocating for balanced technology use, developing digital literacy skills, creating technology with emotional well-being in mind, and supporting offline activities and meaningful human interactions. Finally, this study contributes to a better understanding of the impact of technology on human emotions, influencing interventions and strategies for using technology to improve rather than subtract from emotional well-being in an increasingly digital society.

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