
As a first step to understanding spermatogenesis in the buffalo bull the cytological details of different types of spermatogonia were determined in adult buffalo bulls. Morphological changes in the nuclear details were used as a basis for classifying the different types of spermatogonia. The type A spermatogonia had a spherical to ovoid nucleus with finely granulated chromatin, homogeneously dispersed in the nucleoplasm and having one to two nucleoli adhering to the nuclear membrane. The type A0 spermatogonia were characterized by nuclei containing moderately stained, finely granulated chromatin and a nucleolus attached to the nuclear envelope. The A1 type spermatogonia, on the other hand, have pale stained, finely granulated chromatin with the nucleolus adhering to the nuclear membrane. The nuclei of A2 type spermatogonia resembled those of type A1, but contained coarse granular chromatin dispersed in the pale nucleoplasm. The intermediate type of spermatogonia acquired a central position of the nucleolus, but the chromatin remained coarsely granulated and non-clumped. Three classes of type B (B1-B3) spermatogonia were determined on the degree of clumping of the chromatin and the central position of the nucleolus. The type B1 cells were characterized by nuclei containing a few flakes of lightly stained chromatin and a centrally located nucleolus. The type B2 cells showed comparatively more clumping of chromatin than type B1 spermatogonia, which was dispersed at random in the pale nucleoplasm and along the nuclear envelope. The type B3 spermatogonia demonstrated chromophilic chromatin dispersed in the slightly grey nucleoplasm and adhering along the nuclear membrane. Since there seems to be a succession of events following differentiation of type A1 spermatogonia till the last type B cell differentiates into resting primary spermatocytes, may intermediate stages between the presently described classes of type A (A0-A2) and type B (B1-B3) could also be located in sections of the seminiferous tubules.

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