
This paper proposes a collaborative human-computer interaction recommendation model for English major translation courses to address the problems of poor course recommendation and lack of robustness to noisy data in traditional recommendation models for English major translation courses. First, a new data enhancement method is proposed for the bipartite graph structure. Then, the enhanced data is fed into a graph convolutional neural network for node feature extraction to obtain node representations of users and items. A recommendation supervision task and an auxiliary task for contrast learning are constructed for joint optimization. The human-computer interaction model of the knowledge graph is designed, and the dialogue entities are embedded in the knowledge graph ripple network to obtain potentially interesting content for students. Finally, the student interaction content and node representations are combined to obtain the optimal translation course recommendation. The experimental results indicate that the proposed model in this work is capable of producing higher-quality English major course recommendations and beats other current models. This model is suitable for English primary translation course content recommendation and helps to improve students’ translation ability.

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