
The meaning of happiness in human life depends on what each individual thinks of as happiness and what one pursues due to differences in personalities and values. An important value and ideology of modern constitution is the guarantee of human rights to ensure that all human beings can live the life they want. Therefore, the meaning of the right to pursue happiness can be seen as very important not only at the time of the modern human rights declaration, but also in modern society, where technological breakthroughs and artificial intelligence are emerging at ever-higher rates.
 The role of law is also very important in an intelligent information society, and it is also necessary to find out what fundamental rights the state should protect more actively through the interpretation and guidelines of the Constitution and include the necessary legislative direction or outline in the constitutional amendment. It is crucial to prepare for risks caused by the emergence of new technologies and the development of an intelligent information society, to protect the fundamental rights and safety of the people, and to review constitutional countermeasures. If successful, it may be possible to establish a normative framework for pursuing safe and sustainable development and human happiness.

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