
<p>龍瑛宗(1911-1999)為新竹地區戰前知名的客籍日語作家,戰後初期因政權更迭、跨語等因素,輟筆未能繼續創作。但他並未放棄對文學的興趣,仍積極與省籍藝文人士維繫良好的社交網絡。為了重拾創作,龍瑛宗韜光養晦努力學習中文,期待能夠重返戰後臺灣文壇。他因地緣、客籍身分的關係與新竹地區藝文人士吳濁流(新竹縣)、鄭世璠(新竹市)往來密切,本論文將利用相關文獻史料、照片、書信、作品等,重新拼貼他們實際的往來情況,釐清他們如何因職場和媒體報刊雜誌的關係,跨時代、跨國境維繫翰墨之緣和以畫會友,建構這個社會群體的文化記憶,希望藉此勾勒出戰前世代的藝文活動型態與人際網絡。</p> <p> </p><p>LUNG YING-TSUNG (1911-1999) was a well-known Hakka-Japanese writer in Hsinchu before the Second World War. However, in the early postwar period, he ceased writing due to various factors such as the change of government and official language, which hindered his ability to continue his work. Nevertheless, he maintained his interest in literature and maintained strong social connections with Taiwanese artists and writers. LUNG YING-TSUNG kept a low profile, studying Chinese in anticipation of resuming his creative work and rejoining the Taiwanese literary scene after the war.</p> <p> LUNG YING-TSUNG had close tie with literary figures in the Hsinchu area, such as (WU CHO-LIU [Hsinchu County] and CHENG SHIH-FAN [Hsinchu City]), due to his local connections and Hakka background. This paper aims to reconstruct their shared history using relevant documents, historical materials, photographs, letters and work to seek to clarify how they maintained their friendships through calligraphy and painting across generations and borders, particularly in relation to their workplace and media magazines. The gold is to construct a collective cultural memory of this society and shed light on the artistic and cultural activities as well as interpersonal networks of the Japanese-speaking generation before the war.</p> <p> </p>

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