
Traditional geographical information system uses file system to manage spatial data, which only suits to personal GIS (or named expert GIS), but cannot meet the requirement of enterprise GIS. The technology of spatial database, which uses Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) to manage spatial data, is an advanced technology driven by the socializationof GIS application. Integrating spatial data and other data into relational database, it is possible to give its rights of management spatial data to RDBMS, this can achieveseamless integration and take advantages of RDBMS, include data sharing, bulky amount of spatial data management, data consistent maintenance, data safety, high query efficiency, and more others. Therefore, studies on spatial database (also named Spatial Data Engine) to manage spatial data have become a research focus in GIS fields. In this paper, the author brought forward and analyzed the spatial data object which has four properties: common attributes, temporal, geometry, and behavior. Among these properties the geometry is the essential property of spatial data object distinguishedcommon data object which is the componentof the database. The mapping of spatial dataobject's properties to relational database are columns (or fields), methods and valid rules respectively. Alsothe author analyzed the realization of the application of spatial database technology in Cadastral Administration System from the points of spatial data interoperability, large quantity of spatial data management, the efficiency of queryin large area, and the control of the data safety and others based on the development of specific application system, it figuredout the frame of Land Information System using spatial database technology.

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