
Indian summer monsoon clouds generally exert a net radiative cooling at top of atmosphere. In contrast, clouds over a sub-region comprising parts of South peninsular India, Sri Lanka and adjoining Bay of Bengal (SISB) inside the Indian monsoon region exert a net radiative warming. In this work, an attempt is made to understand the reasons behind the anomalous radiative warming found over SISB. Ten-year (2000–2009) top of atmosphere radiative flux data from Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System payloads onboard Aqua and Terra satellites and cloud data from International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project during the peak Indian summer monsoon season of July–August are analyzed to understand the underlying causes. Top of Atmosphere net radiative forcing is positive and as high as ∼15 Wm−2 over SISB during the peak Indian summer monsoon season.Cloud cover amounts over SISB with net radiative warming and north Bay of Bengal with net radiative cooling are compared. Cloud cover amounts of high-level cirrostratus and deep convective cumulonimbus clouds are less by 65% and 87% respectively over SISB when compared to north Bay of Bengal. SISB is located on the leeward side of the Western Ghats mountain chain with descending motion. Adiabatic compression and associated warming of descending air leads to dehydration of air parcel. The upper tropospheric tropical easterly jet sweeps the deep convective cloud tops of the Indian monsoon and advect them to large distance as upper level thin cirrus family of clouds. When these clouds reach SISB with descending motion, they thin out by melting and evaporation or sublimation as the air mass is compressed and heated adiabatically. Over SISB, pressure vertical velocity at 500 hPa is moderately inversely correlated to cloud cover amount of cirrostratus and cumulonimbus clouds. Cloud cover amount of these two clouds is significantly correlated to shortwave cloud radiative forcing and longwave cloud radiative forcing over SISB. When cloud cover amount of cirrostratus and cumulonimbus clouds are low (<∼15% and <∼5% respectively), magnitude of longwave cloud radiative forcing is mostly higher than the magnitude of shortwave cloud radiative forcing which results in net radiative warming. Reduction in cloud cover amount of cirrostratus and cumulonimbus clouds by subsidence appears to be the cause behind the observed warming over SISB. When the magnitude of shortwave cloud radiative forcing is below (above) ∼55 Wm−2, longwave cloud radiative forcing is more (less) than the magnitude of shortwave cloud radiative forcing which results in net warming (cooling). Net radiative warming is found in 65% of grid points over SISB.

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