
Background/Objectives: Construction industry is a key industry contributing to the economic growth and development of a nation. It is essential, the consultant and contractor to establish harmonious working relationships among them, and resolves issues in a timely manner, minimizing impact on project execution. This paper assesses the perceptions of top and small and medium project management consultants and contractors about each other. Methods/Statistical Analysis: This was done by first identifying the problems between them, followed by a comprehensive data collection through questionnaire surveys. Findings: Application/Improvements: Respondent agreed that entry of project management consultants into industry was very essential and it has improved the whole industry. Mutual opinions between contractors and consultants were also obtained and well-studied. Top and small and medium class respondents vary in their opinions. Improvements: This project could found out the serious relationship issues between the consultants and contractors and the influence of project management consultants in the industry.

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