
The aim of this study was evaluating surrounding elements of selected housing gardens located in 33 neighborhoods of Isparta city center. The total of 278 face-to-face survey technique was applied on household and their responds were noted. It has realized that majority of garden walls had not appropriate design and landscape practice techniques applied. Because the light intensity and shady properties are important influence on garden planting, 164 of responders reported that their garden has a shady property. Moreover, six type of wall element (stone, concrete, briquette, wood, metal, plant) were observed but these walls are mostly constructed with concrete (72), followed by stone (17), metal (8), briquette (7), wood (2) and plant (1), respectively. In addition, 43 walls were found to be made combination of these six basic structural elements. But some surrounding elements were made from mortarless stone and bare concrete that are not particularly attractive. Some pictures from front-, back- and side garden’s surrounding structures (walls, fences, boundary elements) of family house gardens presented for evaluating. It was found that many of garden walls had no aesthetic and functional properties and mostly neglected appearance. In this sense, some suggestions have been made under landscape architecture discipline.

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