
Soil fertility assessment in a region is the most basic decision-making tool for sustainable soil nutrient management. A soil fertility status inventory work was carried out in adopted model village, Rahuamani of Kahra block in Saharsa district. One hundred soil samples were randomely collected based on the handled GPS location. Results showed that 91% samples were found in neutral reaction and all the samples fall under normal and safe category of electrical conductivity. Sixty-five per cent soil samples fall under lows organic carbon content and 35% samples were medium in organic carbon content. 61% of the study area was deficient in available N and 81% samples were fall under medium category of fertility status of P5O5. The available potassium content in soil, 90% of the soil samples were medium fertility level. It was found that 75% samples were in medium soil sulphur category. Zn content of the study are fall under the medium fertility category. Similarly, 58% sample deficient in copper content and 47% sample are deficient in available Mn. Out of total soil sample analyzed 78% samples are deficient in B content in soil.

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