
Social appearance anxiety is a term related to the individual's concerns about their outer appearance so it is described as the worry and tension they experience if their outer appearance is assessed and criticized by the society. It is a term that predicts the fear on negative feelings on physical appearance. Social appearance anxiety in individuals who belongs to the adolescent category and the youth category might experience serious problems in their future. This helps the individuals to develop different types of coping attitudes among them. Individual use these coping strategies to minimize the problems occurred due to anxiety, stress or such negative life situations. The present study was used to determine the connection and association between social appearance anxiety and coping. The study was done on college students in Coimbatore and the data collected using Social Appearance Anxiety Scale and Brief Cope Inventory. The result showed that both the social appearance anxiety and the coping is moderate in college students but the relation between these two is relatively high. This means that the students developed coping to overcome negative evaluation of body image by the society and to minimize the problems of such anxiety.

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