
This study was to investigate the clinical significance and virologic factors of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients without hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) or anti-hepatitis C virus (non-B, non-C) in Taiwan. Serum HBV DNA (occult HBV) was detected in 90 of 222 non-B, non-C HCC patients and 24 of 300 non-B, non-C controls without HCC. Of 90 occult HBV-infected HCC patients, the sequences of HBV pre-S/surface, X and enhancer II/core promoter/precore genes were analyzed from 40 patients. Direct sequencing of such genes was also performed in 24 non-B, non-C controls without HCC and 40 HBsAg-positive HCC controls. Compared with non-B, non-C controls without HCC, non-B, non-C subjects with HCC had significantly higher prevalence of occult HBV (p < 0.0001). Moreover, M1I and Q2K in pre-S2 gene and G1721A were more common in occult HBV-infected patients with HCC than in those without HCC. Compared with the HBsAg-positive HCC controls, occult HBV-infected HCC patients had higher frequencies of M1I and Q2K in pre-S2 gene, G185R and S210N in surface gene, A36T and A44L in X gene, and G1721A in enhancer II gene, and had lower rates of pre-S deletions and A1762T/G1764A, A1846T, G1896A and G1899A in core promoter/precore genes. Multivariate analysis showed Q2K in pre-S2 gene, G1721A and A1846T were independent factors for occult HBV-infected HCC. Our study suggested that the virological factors of HBV related to HCC were different between occult HBV-infected and HBsAg-positive patients. The G1721A, M1I and Q2K in pre-S2 gene may be useful viral markers for HCC in occult HBV carriers.

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