
Abstract Lower RC delay is vital to achieve optimal and competitive circuit performance and hence drives the endlessly pursued BEOL integration scheme advancement. To date low-k dielectric materials, i.e., fluorine-doped oxides, carbon-doped oxide (SiCOH), to porous carbon-doped oxides (p-SiCOH) have been implemented. However, due to the process integration challenges with inherently weak low-k materials, the trend to pursue lower k dielectrics has come to a plateau as technology nodes scale down past 20/14nm. On the other hand, the trend of geometry layer thickness shrinking down, such as trench CD and height, via CD and height, etc., still continues for each advanced technology node. In the BEOL stack adhesion layers (oxide + gradient layers) (ALs) with higher k value were introduced to enhance interface adhesion strength between SiCOH/p-SiCOH and dielectric cap film (SiCN), which offset the intrinsic RC benefit from low-k dielectric material. At more advanced nodes and beyond, the combined ALs and cap film could be up to via or trench height, which poses a huge challenge to meet desired RC performance and technology node scaling. Therefore, the thickness reduction of ALs and cap film becomes necessary for further technology node scaling. In this study, samples with interfacial full ALs, reduced ALs and bulk only (no ALs) for p-SiCOH (k=2.75) on various cap films were prepared, such as SiCN, SiCN/ODC, SiCN/AlONx, etc. TOF-SIMS analyses was used to confirm the composition of the dielectric stacks and later check the debonded surface morphology. Four-point bend adhesion tests were conducted to evaluate interfacial adhesion strength. Results show the interfacial adhesion strength on samples with reduced Als and bulk only (no ALs) is dropped by ~20% and ~30%, respectively. Additional ODC layer on top of SiCN would increase the interfacial adhesion strength by ~10%. It is suggested that reduced ALs may be adequate to satisfy overall CPI requirement for the BEOL integration scheme of p-SiCOH on advanced dielectric cap films (AlN + ODC). The coupling capacitance reduction for a combined reduced ALs and advanced dielectric cap can be up to 16% at M0 level and 10% at Mx level for a 40nm metal pitch.

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