
Women participation in the tea business has remained essentially high alongside other plantation crops, for example, coffee and rubber. In any case, the nature of women's employment inside such manor yields needs genuine evaluation in the light of current worries on declining female work participation rate (Abraham 2013). With the arrangement of family employment, both women and their children were occupied with tea leaf culling (plucking), weeding and clearing and so on in the plantations. The Nilgiris district is mostly an agriculture district and its economy for the most part relies on the achievement or disappointment of yields particularly the ranch harvests like tea and espresso (Coffee). The fundamental center is to comprehend the women's agency of labourin their numerous circles of work and work puts through their lived involvement as a specialist, as an acquiring individual from the family and as a key player in the industry(RinjuRasaily, 2014). The climatic situations and troposphere of the region make the Nilgiris District the fitting spot in South India for development of tea thus the zones under tea development in Nilgiris are monstrous and spread. The development of tea is essentially founded on the tea manor workers (Jaganathan and Palanichamy, 2015). Women workers are an advantage and spine of the tea business and notwithstanding their commitment, they acquire pitiful incomes, experiences low dimensions of human services and individual prosperity, lives captured in destitution and are cutoff from the standard (Mamta and Sanchari Roy, 2018 Thus the present study focus on the problems faced by the women tea workers and also helps to understand their union involvement in Pandalurtaluk.

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