
Abstract: The report presents the outcomes of the research on the performance analysis of a banking system using the CAMEL rating technique. It aimed to rank the functioning of the banking system by analyzing its capital adequacy, asset quality, management efficiency, earnings, and liquidity. The research was conducted on a sample of top five banks of India, and the CAMEL rating was calculated based on the financial reports and performance metrics of the banks. The study found that the CAMEL rating was effective in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the banks and providing a comprehensive assessment of their overall performance. The report provides a detailed analysis of the results and discusses the implications for the banking industry. The study highlights the importance of strong capital adequacy, asset quality, and management efficiency for maintaining a healthy and stable banking system. The study also identifies areas for improvement, including the need to enhance earnings and liquidity management. Overall, this study contributes to the field of banking performance analysis by demonstrating the effectiveness of the CAMEL rating technique and providing insights into the performance of banks. The study offers recommendations for policymakers and bank managers to improve the performance and stability of the banking system.

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