
Objectives: The objectives of the study is to determine the perception of Anganwadi services among mothers, to find the utilization of Anganwadi services among mothers, to find the correlation between scores on perception and utilization of Anganwadi services among mothers and to find the association between scores on perception of mothers regarding Anganwadi services and selected demographic variables. Method: A descriptive survey approach with non experimental descriptive design was adopted perception and utilization of anganwadi services among mothers having children between 0-6 years in a selected community at Mangalore. The conceptual frame work of the study was developed on the basis of general system model by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy. Content validity of tools was established in consultation with seven experts. Out of the seven experts, Four from the department of Community Health Nursing, one from the Child Health Nursing, One from the department of Community Medicine, one from the department of the Obstetrics and gynecological nursing. The reliability co- efficient of tool was calculated using Spearman’s Rank Correlation of Co efficient formula. Non probability purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample for the study the final sample size was 100. Pilot study was conducted to find out the feasibility of the study. Data collected from the sample were analyzes by descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: The result study shows that 50% of the subject are having moderate perception followed by average perception 23.4% and bad perception for 7.3%. The majority 61.3% of subjects had high utilization of Anganwadi services followed by 12.1% of subjects had moderate utilization and there is no correlation between perception and utilisation and there is no association between scores on perception and utilization of Anganwadi services and demographic variables. Conclusion: The overall findings of the study revealed that majority of the mothers utilizing anganwadi services.

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