
An organizational structure is a vital element of any company's success. It helps to define roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships, creating a framework for effective decision-making and communication. In this case study paper, we will examine the organizational structure of three major companies: Amazon, Netflix, and IBM. It analyses how organizational structure impacts the company's operations, culture, and overall success. The case study will focus on a specific company and its organizational structure, examining the different levels of hierarchy, the communication channels, and the decision-making processes. We will also explore how the organizational structure affects the company's ability to adapt to changes in the market and the industry. Overall, this case study paper will provide a detailed analysis of the importance of organizational structure in achieving business success. By examining a real-world example, we can gain a deeper understanding of how organizational structure influences a company's performance, and how it can be optimized to achieve better results. Keywords: organizational structure, organizational design, Amazon, Netflix, IBM

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