
논문은 『慈仁叢瑣錄』에 수록된 오횡묵의 한시 176편을 연구 대상으로 삼아 문학적 가치와 문학창작자로서의 면모를 밝히고자 한다. 『慈仁叢瑣錄』은 오횡묵이 자인현감에 제수되어 정선군수직을 사임한 1888년 8월 2일부터 함안군수에 제수되어 이임한 1889년 4월 17일까지 일을 기록하고 있다. 전체 구성은 자인현의 지도, 날짜별로 기술된 일기, 하루하루의 기록과 감회를 적은 詩, 賦로 이루어져 있다. 『慈仁叢瑣錄』에 수록된 창작시 176편은 絶句 77수, 律詩 64수, 古詩 33수, 歌行 1수 등으로 구성되어 있다. 이 작품들에는 공적인 임무를 수행하는 목민관의 마음과 오횡묵이라는 평범한 개인의 心思가 생생하게 잘 드러난다. 먼저 『慈仁叢瑣錄』 소재 한시 작품들의 구체적인 내용을 살펴보면 목민관으로서의 선정포부, 벼슬을 내린 임금에 대한 감사, 굶주림에 지친 안타까운 백성들의 모습, 韓將軍 이야기, 以桂亭에서의 활쏘기 및 시회, 술자리에서 회포, 고적과 사찰, 벗과의 만남과 헤어짐, 누대에서 경치감상, 세시풍속, 만인산 헌정, 가족에 대한 마음, 민가 순행 방문 등 다양한 주제로 이루어져 있다. 본 연구는 『慈仁叢瑣錄』에 수록된 한시들을 비교적 많은 비중을 차지하고, 주제가 비슷하여 하나로 엮을 수 있는 작품들을 모아 愛民意識, 家族愛, 交遊와 抒情, 風俗과 世態 등의 4개 유형으로 항목을 정리하였다. 그리고 정리된 유형에 해당하는 개별 한시 작품들을 통해 오횡묵의 시세계를 파악하고 문학창작가로서의 면모를 고찰하였다.This study set out to analyze 176 Chinese poems by Oh Hoing-muk in JainChongswaerok, shedding light on their literary values and on his aspects as a literary creator. JainChongswaerok holds his records between August 2, 1888 when he was appointed as Hyeongam of Jain and thus resigned from the position of Gunsu in Jeongseon and April 17, 1889 when he was appointed as Gunsu of Haman and thus resigned from Hyeongam of Jain. Its overall organization is comprised of the map of Jain Hyeon, his journals by the date, and his poems and improvisational poetic writing about his daily records and feelings. In JainChongswaerok, there are 176 creative poems that he wrote including 77 Jeolgu poems, 64 Yulsi poems, 33 Gosi poems, and one Gahaeng poem. They vividly depict his performance of public duties as Mokmingwan and his mind as a common individual with his personal feelings. The study examined the concrete content of his Chinese poems in JainChongswaerok and found a huge variety of topics covered in them including his ambition for beneficent administration as a Mokmingwan, his gratitude to the king that bestowed him with the government post, pitiful people suffering from hunger, stories of General Han, archery and poetry party at Igyejeong, his inmost thoughts revealed at a drinking party, historical remains and Buddhist temples, meeting and parting with his friends, appreciation of scenery at a lookout, seasonal customs, dedication to Mt. Manin, his heart for his family, and a touring visit to private houses. Of his Chinese poems in JainChongswaerok, the ones were gathered that met the following conditions: first, they held rather big relative importanc e in the book; and sec ond, they had similar topic s and thus could be grouped under a topic. These poems were classified into four types depic ting his love of the people, his heart for his family, soc ial intercourse and lyricism, and customs and social conditions. Individual Chinese poems of his in each of the types were then examined to understand his poetic world and his aspects as a literary creator.

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