
The Korean Ministry of the Environment has promoted the designation of key wetlands that are worth conserving as areas targeted for priority management and protection by conducting a national inland wetland investigation every 5 years as a part of the protection and management of wetlands and to assess the value of the wetlands. The national inland wetland investigation is conducted by classifying the survey methods into a general investigation to approximately determine the present situation and a detailed investigation for in-depth examination of key wetlands. This study was conducted to improve the system for the investigation and assessment of national wetlands without any prioritization order by proposing a method that will make it easy to select wetlands for priority management. The results of the overall analysis of locational importance, scale and size revealed that the entire area of Bakdudaegan and estuaries were the most highly evaluated, receiving approximately 50 points. As a final conclusion, this study indicated 217 wetlands as top-grade wetlands which are 1 and 2 classess wetlands from the results of the overall analysis, corresponding to approximately 16.5% of the investigated wetlands; 323 wetlands as second-grade wetlands, or approximately 24.65%; 735 wetlands as third-grade wetlands, or approximately 56%; and 37 wetlands as fourth-grade wetlands, or approximately 3.7%. This study raises the potential necessity of conducting a preferential investigation of approximately 500 top-grade wetlands indicated by the research results. In addition, it is predicted that it might be possible to decrease the time and administrative procedures that are required to perform these surveys due to the availability of data from excavations at several additional wetlands as well as monitoring and management within the same time period if the national inland wetland investigation is targeting these topgrade wetlands and areas.

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