
Our first goal of this study is to examine whether 6 sigma practice of companies has positive effect on corporate performance. The second goal is to investigate if implementation of mass production strategy and of diversification strategy has positive moderate effect on the relationship. By conducting empirical research on 162 Korean companies, we confirmed that there is positive relationship between implementation of 6 sigma practice and corporate performance. In additional analysis, we also found that implementation of mass production strategy in companies has positive moderate effect on the relationship, while Received(October 22, 2015), Review request(October 23, 2015), Review Result(1st: November 05, 2015, 2nd: December 23, 2015) Accepted(January 02, 2016), Published(January 31, 2016) (Corresponding Author) Dept. of Business Administration, Inha Univ., 100, Inha-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon,, Korea email: pposhboy@inha.ac.kr Dept. of Business Administration, Inha Univ., 100, Inha-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon,, Korea email: sys0527sys@naver.com A Study on Moderate Effect of Mass Production and Differentiation Strategy on Relationship between 6 Sigma practices and Corporate Performance Copyright c 2016 HSST 312 implementation of diversification strategy does not. From these result, we got the implication that implementation of 6 sigma practice actually produces performance improvement for companies. Moreover, implementation of 6 sigma and mass production strategy has synergy effect for performance improvement. In other words, manufacturing companies's effort and investment on 6 sigma and mass production have positive chemistry relationship and make them go ahead in competition

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