
Mobile banking is defined as the “type of execution of financial services in the course of which – within an electronic procedure – the customer uses mobile communication techniques in conjunction with mobile devices”. Moreover, it is defined as “a channel whereby the customer interacts with a bank via a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or personal digital assistant” Today, mobile banking services enable consumers [e.g. to check the balance and transactions of their accounts, pay invoices and transfer funds between accounts, monitor the use of credit cards, check when invoices fall due, make buy and sell orders for the stock exchange and receive portfolio and price information]. It’s always-on functionality and the option to bank virtually any time and anywhere characterise mobile banking services. However, mobile banking has not yet completely convinced bank customers of its usefulness and added value that it offers and its use is yet in an initial stage. Most of the users are highly satisfied with the recent developments in the banking services. There seems to be resistance to adopt these innovative banking services. Now a day’s customers expect more facilities. So the banks have to update the mobile banking facilities which would satisfy the customers.

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