
The present study is based on the primary data collected from 160 lac growers in Bastar district of Chhattisgarh during the year 2012-2013. The study revealed that practices like inoculation method of seed lac in host plants (38.75%) was recorded high level of knowledge, whereas respondents had medium level of knowledge about lac producing trees (81.87%) and low level of knowledge on lac strain (97.50%). In case of practice wise level of adoption, it was found that maximum number of respondents had high extent of adoption in selection of host plants (11.25%), followed by pruning of host plants(91.25%) under medium level of extent of adoption and it was found that cent per cent had low level of adoption regarding adoption of recommended strain. The knowledge and adoption level of lac growers can be increased through conducting training programmes on different aspects of lac production technology like processing, processing instruments, usages of lac in making by products by the concerned agencies and providing the facilities and proper guidance to the lac growers for adoption of recommended lac production technology which will be helpful in providing additional income to the lac growers. Results of the study will be helpful to improve the production scenario of lac which will helpful for farmers to get additional income.

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