
The interfacial mechanism and structure of poly(ethylene-co-methacrylic acid)/copper were investigated using reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIR). Based on IR spectrum of EMAA/copper, a strong absorption peak appearing at approximate 1,600 cm−1 is attributed to the asymmetric stretching vibration of COO― (υCOO as ― ) and a relatively weak absorption band at 1,375 cm−1 is assigned to the symmetric stretching vibration of COO― (υCOO s ― ). Therefore, it can be determined that copper interacts with EMAA through a strong ionic interaction and carboxylate structure is formed in the interfacial regions. And, according to the band intensities of carboxylate stretching modes and different sensitivities of RAIR to perpendicular and parallel transition moments, it can be concluded that EMAA is absorbed onto a copper substrate with a configuration in which the twofold axis of the C2υ point group for carboxylate group inclines certain degree from the normal to the surface. In addition, the interfacial carboxylate structure of EMAA/copper is confirmed to be a monodentate one through calculating the difference (Δυ)between the asymmetric carboxylate stretch (υCOO as ― ) and the symmetric stretch (υCOO s ― ).

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