
Introduction: In present day Surgical practice it is mandatory to have a detailed idea of basic Anatomy and possible variations from normal pattern of all the major nerves and vessels in the body. One such important nerve in the body is Musculo Cutaneous nerve which is the chief nerve supplying the muscles of the front of the arm and also supplies the skin of lateral aspect of forearm. In the present study undertaken 58 upperlimbs were dissected and the incidence of communicating branch between Musculocutaneous Nerve and Median Nerve was studied. Aims and Objectives: The study is undertaken to know the incidence of communicating branch between Musculocutaneous Nerve and Median Nerve and its importance in surgical approaches of the upper limb. Materials and Methods: Under aseptic precautions, Standard dissection procedures were followed to dissect out the Musculocutaneous nerves and Median nerves in the 58 upper limbs of both right and left sides in the human cadavers of both sexes and the incidence of communicating branch between Musculocutaneous Nerve and Median Nerve were studied in detail and images were taken with digital camera for proper presentation of the study. Results and Conclusion: In the present study undertaken 7 upper limbs (12 percent) out of 58 upper limbs dissected showed the presence of communicating branch between Musculocutaneous nerve and Median nerve which comes under the category of type II of choi et al classification. on an average percentage of incidence of communicating branch between Musculocutaneous nerve and Median nerve varies between 10 percent to 53 percent. KEY WORDS: Musculocutaneous nerve, Median nerve and communication between Musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve.

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