
The Indian government's "Skill India" initiative sought to empower the youth of the nation by offering them training and programmes for skill development that would improve their chances of finding employment and starting their own businesses. This study aims to assess the effects of the Skill India initiative on rural youth in India's North East. The North East is renowned for its distinctive cultural diversity and difficult socioeconomic conditions, where rural adolescents frequently face few possibilities for employment and education. The findings show that the Skill India initiative has significantly improved the situation of rural youth in the North East. The program has played a crucial role in equipping them with vocational skills, ranging from traditional crafts to modern industries, thereby expanding their employment horizons. Additionally, the initiative has encouraged entrepreneurship, leading to the creation of small-scale businesses, further stimulating the local economy. Moreover, Skill India has fostered a sense of self-confidence and self-reliance among the rural youth, motivating them to take charge of their own futures. As a result, there has been a positive shift in societal attitudes towards skill-based careers, with increased recognition and appreciation for vocational skills. The need for specialized skill development programmes based on regional demands and the need to address gender discrepancies in skill training possibilities are still issuing. Training centers must also be accessible in rural locations.

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