
1. THE METHOD OF RESEARCH AND A FEW PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTThe present study was made for the purpose of clarifing defensive function of the tonsils aga-inst infections. Judging from results of many experimental studies undertaken by previous investi-gators, it should be reasonable to consider that immunological method is the most capable for this purpose.From this view point, use was made extract of the tonsils prepared sterility by ultracentrifuger and freeze-thawing method.Prior to the study, crypts of the tonsils were bacteriologically examined and Streptococcus hem-olyticus was always predominantly revealed. However, no considerable difference in rate of dete-ction was noticed in varing degree of inflammation.In cases, in which antibiotics was preoperatibely administrated, less predominant bacilli were proved comparing with non-treated cases.2. A STUDY OF PROTECTIVE ANTIBODY IN THE TONSIL AND THE SERA FROM TONSILLITIS PATIENTSThe existence of protective antibody were researched, with following result, on the tonsil extract and the sera from tonsillitis patients, which have impotent reference to the immune function mec-hanism of the tonsil.In the tonsil extract, there find few protective antibody to the Diplococcus pneumoniae-I. The changes of this antibody to the Diplococcus pneumoniae-I in patients sera is in direct proportion to an degree of tonsil inflammation.Blood antibody titer in sera from tonsillitis patients at convalescense, showed higher degree than the sera from the patients who is in extreme stage. In case treated with antibioticus, blood antibody titer is in the lower level than treated without antibioticus.Present paper deal with the anamnestic reaction in the patient's sera. So there obtained many chances of inappearent-infection of Diplococcus pneumoniae-I, that appropriate use of antibioticus should be done in case of tonsillitis.Experimental study was performed on existence of protective antibody to the hemolitic streptc-occus and Streptococcus viridans were isolated from the tonsils, according to the Aizawa, s method based on experimental inflammation theory. As there find no remarkable result, it was considered about reason of this result.However, there obtained some experiences of ability of bacteria separeted from tonsil. It is seemed as an ability of hemolitic streptcoccus, separeted from acute tonsillitis is stronger than that of chronic tonsillitis or normal tonsil. As Streptococcus viridans, separeted from at any pathological tonsil or using resistance reducing substance at the same time it could not be made the mouse to death in the 0.1cc of fondation of bouillon culture solution.3. A STUDY OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGGLUTININ VOLUME AND PROTECT-IVE ANTIBODY TO THE PNEUMOCOCCUS-I IN THE SERA FROM TONSILLITIS PATIENT OR TONSILThe auther performed the measurement of agglutinin volume to Pneumococcus-1, in the extract at any pathological tonsils and the sera from tonsillitis, for the purpose of research to the contact with tonsil and Pneumococcus-1, also to clear up the significance of protective antibody that has been studied on another time.The following results were obtained. In the tonsil extract, there find the exsistence of a few aggluti nin to Pneumococcus-1. The agglutinin titer is in direct proportion to the intensity of tonil inflammation, but in the sera, the discrepancy is not remarkable. The agglutinin formation to Pneumococcus-1 is almost the same tendency as protective antibody titer, but no appreciable parall-elism was found among the volume of agglutinin formation and protective antibody.These patients sera also include protective antibody almostly, if the tonsil include, more or less, agglutinin. It is considered that the inappearent infection through the tonsil is. found rather than many times.

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