
Introduction: Junctional rhythm (JR) is a rescue rhythm where the upstream impulse generators fail to pace the heart and atrioventricular (AV) junction takes up that function. The presentation is variable ranging from totally asymptomatic cases, where it is a manifestation of heightened vagal tone, to life-threatening bradycardia, resulting from some serious underlying pathologies. JR results from diverse causes such as sick sinus syndrome, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), dyselectrolytemia, drugs, and toxins. Understanding the etiologic factor has immense implication in the management as the prognosis is related mainly to the primary pathology rather than JR itself. Subjects and Methods: In this observational study, we evaluated 100 hospitalized patients of JR over a period of 1 year regarding their symptoms, signs, and underlying pathology. Results: Among 100 patients, 38 had a history of syncope and 42 had angina. Twenty-four patients had hyperkalemia (22 of them had renal dysfunction). Thirty patients had elevated troponin-T and/or CK-MB. The most common etiology was AMI responsible in 28% patients followed by hyperkalemia (24%), sick sinus syndrome (20%), and medication drug use (16%) as the principal causes of JR. Myocarditis, toxin, and hypothyroidism were uncommon association. Accelerated JR and junctional tachycardia were associated with AV nodal ablation and postsurgical patients, respectively. Conclusion: JR is a manifestation of several diverse etiopathologies, and elucidation of them is extremely important for the patient management. We estimated the prevalence of various underlying etiologies which should be considered during the management of such patients.

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