
The Liver is the largest organ of the body. It plays a crucial role in maintaining hemostasis and keeping the hematological parameters within normal limits. Hematological abnormalities in patients with cirrhosis of the liver increase morbidity and mortality to the underlying illness. Consequently, it is vital to look into those abnormalities in a patient with liver disease. The purpose of the study was to determine the hematological and hemopoietic abnormalities in decompensated chronic liver disease patients to guide treatment decisions toward reducing mortality and morbidity. Objectives: To assess RBC; WBC; platelet abnormalities and the derangement of clotting factor secretion and function in patients of chronic liver disease; To know the type of anemia in patients with chronic liver disease. Materials And Methods: ACross-Sectional Observational Study was carried out at Narayana Medical College and Hospital for a duration of 18 months from February 2021 to October 2022, about 70 patients were randomly selected among inpatients Inclusion Criteria: All the patients with signs and symptoms of liver disease for more than 6 months of any etiology. Exclusion Criteria: Patients with Acute hepatic failure; Known case of any malignancy and with primary abnormalities in hemostatic functions; Patients suffering from chronic kidney disease, and coronary artery disease. Patients with a preexisting cause of anemia other than liver disease. Results: Most common type of anemia is Normocytic normochromic anemia. Leucopenia is less common than leukocytosis. Most of the patients had Thrombocytopenia, Prolonged PT, and APTT. Conclusion: From this study, we conclude that hematological alterations are very common in a patient with liver disease which needs to be identied and corrected early for a better clinical outcome

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