
Hippocrates was the among the earliest who discovered epilepsy and suggest that is hereditary rather than contagious. Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain characterized by repeated seizures. It is usually defined as a sudden alteration of behaviour due to a temporary change in the electrical functioning of the brain. Epilepsy, a disorder of unprovoked seizures is a multifaceted disease affecting individuals of all ages with a particular predilection for the very young and old. In addition to seizures, many patients often report cognitive and psychiatric problems associated with both the seizures themselves and its therapy. Epilepsy has numerous etiologies both idiopathic and acquired with a wide range of therapeutic responses. Despite numerous neuromodulatory devices, a large treatments available to control repetitive seizures including medications, diets, immunotherapy, surgery, and percentage of patients continue to suffer the consequences of uncontrolled seizures, which include psychosocial stigma and death.

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