
Employee Passion results from overall satisfaction with the organization, its policies, procedures, products, and management practices. Hard measures of Employee Passion include retention, absenteeism, tenure, and productivity. Soft measures include employee perceptions of fairness, justice, and trust. Employee Passion is a positive emotional state of mind resulting from perceptions of worthwhile work, autonomy, collaboration, growth, fairness, recognition, connectedness to colleagues, and connectedness to leader—all of which lead to standards of behavior that include discretionary effort, long-term commitment to the organization, peak performance, low turnover, and increased tenure with the organization. The present study explores the factors which affect the Employee Passion in public sector banks. A survey was conducted among subordinate staff, award staff, and officers in five public sector banks operating in Kottayam, Kerala. The purpose of study is to understand what motivates them to continue in the job and deliver service to the satisfaction of the customers. The conclusion of the survey was that Employee Passion in public sector banks is a concept that extends beyond the meaning of some of the present research on employee engagement. It includes, but is not limited to, satisfaction, morale, and performance. Also, Employee Passion arises from a combination of hard and soft measures that include satisfaction, engagement, motivation, and willingness to exert discretionary effort.

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