
Abstract: This study delves into the significant impact of labor turnover on achieving organizational goals within the textile industry. The textile sector, characterized by its labour-intensive nature, often grapples with high turnover rates, which can hinder the attainment of strategic objectives. This research investigates the intricate relationship between labor turnover & organizational success, aiming to uncover strategies that mitigate turnover's adverse effects. By analysing data from various textile , this study identifies a range of consequences linked to labor turnover, such as reduced productivity, increased training costs, & disrupted workflow. Moreover, it explores the underlying factors contributing to turnover, including job dissatisfaction, lack of growth opportunities, and unsupportive work environments. The research then shifts its focus to potential solutions, suggesting the implementation of robust employee retention programs, improved job design, & comprehensive skill development initiatives. By understanding the intricate dynamics between labor turnover & organizational achievement, this study offers valuable insights that textile industry leaders can utilize to foster a stable & productive workforce, ultimately driving the industry towards its strategic goals Key words : . Labor turnover Organizational goals, Textile industry, Employee retention, Workforce stability, Productivity , Training costs, Job satisfaction , Growth opportunities, Work environment, Job design, Skill development

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