
Quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) define the nanostructure of basic computer. It is used as an alternative for designing high-speed computer over CMOS technology. The basic logic in QCA is the logic state that does not measure with voltage level; rather it measures the polarity of electrons in cell. The Majority Voter (MV) is first introduced to design the logic circuits, but only using MV, designing complex logic circuit became inefficient. Many proposals had been made for designing QCA logic gate. In this paper we focus on different useful nanostructures, reduced size and efficient design of Nand–Nor Inverter (NNI), 3 × 3 tile structures for implementing NNI, And–Or Logic, and AOI also present logic synthesis using proposed gates. We analyze QCA defect on proposed gates and describe its permissible defect tolerance. In QCA we describe application for implementing standard functions using proposed structures in this paper and describe effective area of proposed structures.

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