
Malnutrition due to poor feeding habits, is still a serious public health issue especially among women. So, awareness about importance of balance diet for a healthy living is needed for them. The objective of this study was to assess the dietary patterns of 50 women faculty in Arul Anandar College, Madurai and provide nutrition education and to assess the impact of nutrition education. In this regard the dietary pattern of women faculty were assessed and awareness about healthy diet and stress free life using various modes were imparted and the impact was assessed using KAP. Dietary pattern assessment revealed that, most study participants were non vegetarians and consumed three meals a day, pressure cooking was the predominant method adopted for cooking cereals and pulses. Inadequate intakes of pulses, green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products were observed. Frequent intake of carbohydrate rich foods, fats and oils but an infrequent intake of protein rich foods and vitamin and minerals rich foods in a week. Malnutrition were linked to low intakes of pulses and beans; milk and dairy products; vegetables and fruits food groups. After nutrition education, the scores for knowledge and attitude have increased than scores for practice. Women of the study population had an unhealthy dietary pattern. So, nutrition education were provided and the impact was assessed using KAP scores and after the education KAP scores have increased than before.

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